Friday, March 21, 2008

All March Trades Expired on Thursday the 20th!!!!!

All 3 Iron Condor trades and our SPX Bear Call trade expired worthless. Even though the markets rose and fell by 200-400 points during the holding period our trades remained safe and have now expired. I am very happy with the 5.8% monthly performance.

I am researching and will be emailing & posting new trades expiring in April this weekend. I also have the Bear Call RUT, NDX and SPX roll trades to monitor and possibly roll again if the markets continue to rise.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Update on Open Trades Expiring In March (21st)

All 3 Iron Condor trades are expiring worthless today. They were executed 3 to 4 weeks ago before the markets started going up and down 200-400 points. These Iron Condor trades are earning 7% this month. This is been one of the highest returning months ever. New trades expiring in April will be emailed and posted on the Members page this weekend.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Update on Open Trades Expiring In March (21st)

The markets are bearish again like in January and could continue dropping. Last week we exited the RUT Bull Put trade and recovered the cost to close this trade by rolling to a new RUT Bear Call trade expiring in April. We have eliminated any risk of a loss if the RUT Index continues to drop. We will exit the NDX and IWM Bull Put trades the same way next week if these indexes continue to drop. We will not incur any losses this month.

The SPX Bull Put was never filled last week for .30 cents and is now canceled. With the markets continuing to drop all new Bull Put trades are very risky.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Update on Open Trades Expiring In March (21st)

With 3 completed Iron Trades filled already this month I want to complete the SPX Iron Condor next week. The SPX Bull Put trade, I am ordering and posting to the Members page this weekend, has an 85% probability of expiring worthless in 19 days. When filled this SPX Iron Condor trade will return 6.4%. The high volatility of the indexes has caused the option premiums to rise to levels I have not experienced in a long time. This is why our completed Iron Condor trades have such high returns. Whenever we can realize a return higher than 5% we are having an exceptional month.